Where does time go?

Monday, February 8, 2016

Since I have taken a hiatus from my blog for, well, an entire semester of school, I thought I would give y'all a brief summery of how fall semester at Northwest went for me. If you know me at all, you know that me and school don't go well together. It's not that I don't like school, or that I am not incredibly grateful to be in school, it's just that school is hard. It gives me anxiety. Basically, all the negatives of school outweigh the positives.

Going into this school year, way back in August, I said a prayer. A quick prayer that was more of a desperate plea to God because I thought that what I was praying was not going to actually happen. I prayed that the Lord would give me a new love for school and that I wouldn't take this year for granted. That I wouldn't miss this year because I was so overwhelmed with the hard parts of school. That I would love and embrace the hard moments as a chance to learn more. 

Guess what... about two weeks into school, I started to actually like school. What?!?! And then that like for school turned into a love for school. Did I just say that?-- Isn't it funny how God hears even the small prayers that have virtually no faith behind them. That seams to be a theme in my life. I think other people were praying for me as well because I was extremely stressed before I started my senior year. I am thankful for my friends, family and Church family who prayed over me in this season. And I am so thankful for a God who hears desperate prayers. 

So now here I am in my very last semester of my senior year and I don't want to stop learning. I am enthralled with the stuff I am learning about the Bible, about God's character and about how to live those truths out in this world. Who knows, maybe there will be graduate school in my future. We'll see! 

^^ My sister and I on New Years Day. I love this goofy photo of us! ^^

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