life after college

Monday, September 12, 2016

For my entire life I have been so excited for what's next. For the last four years of my life I have anticipated what life after college would be like. Freedom from homework. Doing what I actually want to do with my life. Living the dream I have pursued my entire school life. A great job with financial security and maybe a dog. Waking up early every morning to work out and spend time with Jesus. Coming home after work to have a lovely evening with friends and/or the husband. 

But the reality is this: life after college feels less like freedom and more like 'what the hell am I doing?'  There are a lot of unknowns. And even if I did have a great job with financial security, the 'what's next' questions wouldn't stop. Life after college is messy. It feels out of my control. 

But, there's a but! Even in my insecurity, God says I am more important than the birds of the sky and fish of the sea and He takes care of them. So He will take care of me. (Matthew 6:26) 

Even in my pursuit for control over my life, In thinking I have a better plan every single time, God says that He is in control and this does bring freedom. (Psalm 23:1-3).

I have not arrived. I will always continue to be insecure about what the future holds and I will most likely try to control it but I will never cease to continue to let God speak truth over me. In my weakness His power is made perfect. I am in need of a great Savior every day. (2 Corinthians 12:9).

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